Joyce Cortez

Joyce is a fashion journalist and international lead editor of PL Enterprises and content manager of ACM in Australia. Joyce is always on the lookout for upcoming trends; she loves exclusive interviews to inspire others by sharing her gathered success stories. She supports many causes that are close to her beliefs and was also a guest panelist on CNN. Connect with her at @ joycecortz on Instagram.

Interview with Errick Kim: New York Fashion Week SS20

Interview with Errick Kim Australian designer Errick Kim brought diverse fashion styles and paradigmatic creations to the most recent New York Fashion Week. As a...

HiTechMODA Showcased Ethical and Sustainable Way to Shop at New York Fashion Week SS20

HiTechMODA Showcased Ethical and Sustainable Way to Shop at New York Fashion Week SS20 HitechMODA returns — it was a hit again! In this information...

2019 CFDA Fashion Awards Honors Barbie with Board of Directors’ Tribute Award

2019 CFDA Fashion Awards Honors Barbie with Board of Directors' Tribute Award C'mon Barbie, let's go party! It truly is a party to Barbie for...

Exclusive: Interview with Choupette’s Diary Creator and Choupette Social Girl

Exclusive: Interview with Choupette’s Diary Creator and Choupette Social Girl In the world of the rich and famous, the rich don't become famous until they...

Exclusive: Interview with Choupette’s Diary

Choupette's Diary Launches ‘RIP Daddy’ Collection in Memory of Daddy Karl Lagerfeld and It's for A Good Cause Dahhhlings! Let's cheer up and support the...