Editorial Note: This month, in advance of NYFW and World Suicide Prevention Day on Sept 10, 2020, and in conjunction with Mikeysline in the Scottish Highlands, FWO is featuring outstanding young designers with a focus on mental health and wellness.
Shanen Prasetyo
An undergraduate fashion student currently studying in Singapore, Shanen Prasetyo grew up in a family who works in a garment factory.
She creates detailed garments that incorporate meaningful messages. She says: “In this modern era, it’s easier to express our emotions and our thought through what we wear.”
Shanen Prasetyo
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Q: What sparked your interest in fashion?
I feel lucky I can freely express myself by exploring new techniques and always learning more.
There are no boundaries in the fashion industry; there is no right and wrong when it comes to creativity. From my experience, I feel I can speak up more about my opinions about crucial issues when I cannot be vocal about it.
I believe that by speaking up through visuals, it is easier for others to understand our concern rather than talk about it directly.
Research says the human brain can process 60,000 times faster visually compared with other methods. Therefore, every detail and color that we put in will represent a different message. So, I promise myself to keep creating an eye-pleasing visual that can be worn, at the same time deliver a message.
Q: As a designer, what matters to you most?
Designers have the power to speak their opinion about something.
Even when we look back to years ago, there is no denying that by having a visual object we can understand more about the history of something.
Magically there are a lot of hidden messages that can solve a missing piece to complete history. We know that children learn through visuals because it is easier and faster for them to understand.
In my opinion, being a designer implies an important role in delivering a message to the customer, such as mental health as represented in my latest collection.
Q: Who do you envision as your “core customer?”
My goals for the core customer are very broad because I want to reach out to everyone.
Mostly all the issues are where I need support our friends who want to break that negative stigma by creating a beautiful side from ever story.
Q: What’s your vision for the future?
I do believe every human being has their right to feel comfortable with themselves and express their thoughts about something. We need to break all the negative boundaries to develop and move forward; that’s why I will keep visualizing the critical issues and invite everyone to be an open-minded person.
So, let my collections speak to you personally.
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With love,