Corrections Policy | Fashion Week Online®

Corrections Policy | Fashion Week Online®

Fashion Week Online® is committed to accuracy in all our reporting. However, we recognize that errors may occasionally occur. This policy outlines our approach to corrections and updates.

Reporting Errors

We encourage readers to report potential errors by:

  • Emailing our editorial team at corrections AT fashionweekonline DOT com or using the webform here.
  • Using the contact form on our website
  • Leaving a comment on the relevant article

Our Correction Process

  1. Verification: All reported errors are promptly investigated by our editorial team
  2. Implementation: Confirmed errors are corrected as quickly as possible
  3. Transparency: Corrections are clearly noted in the updated content
  4. Notification: For significant errors, we may publish a correction notice

Types of Corrections

  • Minor Corrections: Typographical errors, misspellings, or minor factual errors are corrected without explicit notation for reader clarity
  • Substantive Corrections: Errors involving facts, dates, collection details, or designer information are corrected with a note indicating the nature of the correction and when it was made
  • Major Corrections: For significant errors that could mislead readers about important aspects of fashion coverage, we append a correction notice at the top of the article

Updates vs. Corrections

We distinguish between corrections (fixing errors) and updates (adding new information). Content is frequently updated with new information as fashion events unfold, collection details are released, or new industry developments occur. These updates improve the comprehensiveness of our reporting and do not necessarily indicate previous errors.