Meet Olyasha Novozhylova of NotBasicBlonde

Olyasha Novozhylova: You are Perfection

Olyasha Novozhylova is a model, blogger, influencer, and host of the NotBasicBlonde podcast, where she shares her beauty, wellness, and fashion tips with an audience of over half a million. She’s also the founder and creator of Not Basic Blonde, a fashion, and lifestyle blog dedicated to inspiring young women to create an extraordinary style.

The Russian model led an impressive 10-year career in fashion and runway in Atlanta and overseas, as well as enjoying several acting roles.

Olyasha Novozhylova

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As an influencer, she’s partnered with famous brands including Cartier, Revolve, PGA, Amazon, IGK, Botox, Tarte, Drybar, Coola, PrettyLittleThing, Vital Proteins, HUM, Laura Mercier, and so many more.

Her women-empowering podcast, where no topic is off limits, includes celebrity guests, public figures, BravoTV personalities, A-list celebrities, Forbes public figures, and more.

Q: Tell us your story, and what makes you unique?

I love everything but basic!

I’ve been a fashionista since I was a child; even in school I used to get in trouble for being dressed too fashionably.

I’m Russian; I came to US when I was 17, I’ve been here for 14 years. I’ve done modeling since I was 13! When I came to US my parents insisted I go to school, so I graduated from Georgia State University with BBA in Managerial Sciences.

I have a BBA in Managerial Sciences

I’ve had a successful career in IT/Project Management before I became a model, blogger, and an Influencer full time. I’ve always had a passion for fashion so I finally decided to share it and inspire other women.

I was always asked everywhere about my outfits, so I finally decide to start my blog and my brand NotBasicBlonde.

Q: What motivated you to get started with your business?

My mom inspired me. She was a huge fashionista, and still is! When I was a child, she would always dress me up based on the latest trends.

I’ve always loved an extraordinary style, so I wanted to start my brand to inspire other women, and help them to dress fashionably as well.

Later on, when I’d established my brand, I was complimented a lot on my voice, so I decided to start a Celebrity Podcast, the NotBasicBlonde Podcast, which is very successful. It includes celebrity guests such as The Real Housewives of Dallas, NYC, Forbes Public Figures, BravoTV celebrities, model, musicians, founder of Skinfix brand, and so many more.

Q: What would you say are the biggest challenges when starting a business?

When you’re starting a business you have to remember that it takes a lot of time and effort! The biggest challenge is that you have to be fully dedicated, committed and be ready to sacrifice.

you have to be fully dedicated, committed and be ready to sacrifice

Being an Influencer and a podcast host requires a lot of time, planning and producing content; weekly photoshoots, long hours. I even work on vacation!

When you’re starting a business, you should remember that it requires way more time than just having a 9-5 job, but being an entrepreneur is so rewarding. Plus, you have to ready to invest in yourself, because it will pay off later. So when you’re starting a new business, it’s always better to have savings or investors.

Another challenge is that you have to be ready and not to expect to be paid at first, because when you’re just starting, it takes time to establish any business. It usually takes a couple years or more, depending on your brand to break even and to make a profitable business.

Q: What inspired you to get into your niche?

I don’t have a narrow niche; my niche consist of fashion, beauty, travel, and lifestyle.

I love to share my passion for fashion with other women, and give them a beauty, fashion, and business advices. As far as beauty, I’ve done my makeup since I was 13, so I’ve have a lot of experience and knowledge in this area. I constantly trying and researching new products, and trends.

As far as fashion, I’ve been a fashionista since I was a child; I attend fashion weeks every season, so I keep up with the latest fashion trends.

I’ve been a fashionista since I was a child;

As far as business, I’ve graduated with a BBA in Managerial Sciences, and I’ve managed a large scale projects for very popular telecom and IT companies. I love to travel a lot, so I always share a content as well.

Q: How important is mindset when starting your own business?

A mindset when starting your own business is very important.

You have to be confident and stay true to yourself, otherwise you will not succeed! You have to not be afraid to fail, otherwise you will not learn. You have to be ready to educate yourself all the time, because that’s how you grow and get on a different level

Q: What’s your advice for those trying to start their own business and brand?

My advice for someone who is trying to start their brand is that you have to be ready to work long hours for free; you have to be ready to invest in yourself, you have to have a lot of patience, because it doesn’t happen overnight.

Don’t ever compare yourself with others because it lowers your self-esteem, and you never know all the work, effort, and sacrifice that person has put in to get where they are right now. Also, you have to be flexible, constantly make connections, get a feedback, and keep learning all the time.

Don’t ever compare yourself with others

Do not be afraid of your dreams and new ideas. If you can dream it, you can do it! If you want to start something, don’t wait for a perfect time. There is never a perfect time, just start doing it!

Q: What does fear mean to you?

I think, everyone has a fear of the new and unknown, but you have to make it work for you, not against you.

When fear works against you, it stops you from moving forward and trying new ways. When you make a fear to work for you, it excites you and helps you to get out of your comfort zone.

So fear, keeps me going and helps me grow; I take it as a challenge! When you overcome fear it definitely gives you a confidence boost.

Q: What does success mean to you?

To me, success means to have a goal, plan the steps to achieve the goal, implement the plan, and finally achieve the goal. Success means to achieve a goal I have set for myself. Success means to produce high quality work before the deadline.

Being successful means the achievement of desired visions and planned goals. Furthermore, success can be a certain social status that describes a prosperous person that could also have gained fame for its favorable outcome. The dictionary describes success as the following: “attaining wealth, prosperity and/or fame.”

Also, being successful means to have a family, friends, and your true supporters, because a person cannot be successful without a needed support.

being successful means to have family, friends, and true supporters

On a way to success a person should remember family. There are so many people who are very successful and wealthy but they are lonely, because they dedicated their whole life to their career.

Success to me means when a person is successful in all the aspects of life, and not just career.

Q: When and why did you decide to start your own business?

I started my business over 4 years ago, and I don’t regret it; I wish I would started earlier. I started it because I wanted to share my passion for fashion with other women; I wanted to create a community, where women would complement and support each other, and help each other succeed.

Q: What are your next projects?

I have a few very exciting projects that I’m working on, but I like to disclose everything when it’s close to the end, I don’t like to disclose it when it’s still in a process. So very soon you will find out more!

Q: Biggest obstacle you’ve overcome so far?

The biggest obstacles were, when you have bad days and you totally don’t feel like doing anything, but you have to pull yourself together because you have deadlines and expectations. When you work for yourself you have to have a lot of self-discipline, because your success depends only on you.

Q: How do you differentiate yourself with your competition?

There is no competition, everyone is different and everyone has its own fanbase, and there is a place for everyone in social media world. I always try to provide a unique and quality content that stands out!

Branding plays a huge role in establishing exactly who you are and what you do. And through that, comes trust.

High-quality, but most importantly, consistent branding can make you stand out from your competition. Your personal touch, your individuality that what makes you to stand out!

Q: Anything else you want to add you think is important about your story?

Launching NotBasicBlonde Podcast in 2019 was one the most rewarding projects! I get a chance to interview unique guests with amazing stories. I get a lot of positive feedback, and so many people tell me that it have changed their life and inspired them.


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Hannah Longman
Hannah Longman
From fashion school in NYC to the front row, Hannah works to promote fashion and lifestyle as the communications liaison of Fashion Week Online®, responsible for timely communication of press releases and must-see photo sets.

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