Kornit Fashion Week La Celebrates Diversity With Launch Of New Era In Sustainability And Digital Design
Commited to promoting diversity, inclusion and sustainability, Kornit Digital officially announces “Kornit Fashion Week LA” from November 2 to 5, 2021, showcasing the latest collec6ons of twenty-two interna6onally acclaimed as well as progressive and independent fashion designers and brands including Ungaro, threeASFOUR, Vivi Bellaish, Kobi Halperin, Shai Shalom, Aliona Kononova, NAOT, Asher Levine, Dreu Beckemberg, Georgine Studio, Lakrisbrand, Bishme Cromar6e, Oliver Tolen6no, Jen Rade, Guvanch and Jolleson.
The invita6on-only shows are being held at one event space in the historic Pacific Stock Exchange Building on 618 South Spring Street and will feature an age- and size-inclusive lineup of diverse models from different backgrounds while also unveiling original pieces demonstra6ng Kornit’s revolu6onary digital prin6ng technologies. Hair and make-up will be provided by Paul Mitchell Pasadena and CAO Cosme6cs, respec6vely.
“For me, fashion is about people not just clothes. The most important thing for me is changing what the ideal defini Mo1y Reif – Founder and Producer of Kornit Fashion Week
According to Kornit Digital Chief Marke6ng Officer Omer Kulka, Kornit Fashion Week LA aims not only to highlight a new season of fashion but an en6rely new era of the industry with more focus on social responsibility and sustainability. “Through Kornit Fashion Week LA we are crea
Expected to be the West Coast fashion event of the season, Kornit Fashion Week LA is being produced by Reif Entertainment under the leadership of Mo1y Reif, who has over 30 years of experience in the field, having created, produced, and directed hundreds of fashion and lifestyle events, television produc6ons, and documentary films around the world and is the founder of Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv, which is in its 10th season. He is also responsible for cura6ng the par6cipa6ng selec6on of visionary designers whose collabora6ons with Kornit Digital will be impac6ng not just the US territories but the en6re industry worldwide.
About Kornit Fashion Week
A new alterna6ve Fashion Week that leads with two main agendas, sustainability and diversity. Celebra6ng the most innova6ve fashion technology on the market today, Kornit Fashion Week brings designers, producers, developers, and other visionaries together to explore a complete alterna6ve model for crea6ng apparel that is environmentally responsible and graphically uncompromising. Kornit Fashion Week presents the future of fashion, where designers can unlock their crea6vity, eliminate overproduc6on, and transcend supply chain challenges—through the power of digital prin6ng and workflows. The program showcases diverse Kornit Digital partners and customers who are today streamlining the end-to-end produc6on experience for localized, on-demand fulfillment, bringing concepts from crea6ve inspira6on to finished pieces in mere hours, rendering tradi6onal, forecast-based produc6on models obsolete.