The 31st edition of INSPIRAMAIS, a trade show that showcased over a thousand innovative and sustainable materials for the footwear, apparel, automotive upholstery, furniture, and jewelry industries, on January 21st and 22nd, marked the recovery of the fashion supply chain after the impacts caused by the floods in May 2024.
Due to the climate disaster that struck Rio Grande do Sul, last year the event was held in adapted editions in Taquara/RS and São Paulo/SP in July. Returning to its original format, which led INSPIRAMAIS to be recognized nationally and internationally as the only trade show for fashion industries, the event returned in January 2025 to Porto Alegre/RS, at the FIERGS Events Center.
With 150 exhibitors of various materials, received over 7 thousand visitors during the two days of the event, INSPIRAMAIS, more than just business and collection launches, offered an intense program of high-quality content. The big news this year was the partnership with Central Única das Favelas (CUFA) and the involvement of the automotive upholstery sector, which, in addition to a talk, exhibited a car completely renovated using materials presented at the show. “The transversality of materials is a new rule for the component production chain in Brazil. In addition to footwear, we have solutions for various sectors of the economy,” commented the superintendent of Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Componentes para Couro, Calçados e Artefatos [Brazilian Association of Leather, Footwear and Component Companies] (Assintecal), Silvana Dilly.
The lecture Inspirations 2026_I took place, highlighting the theme of the research that gave rise to the over one thousand materials presented in the INSPIRAMAIS Connection space, right at the entrance of the event. The coordinator of the Design and Research Nucleus at Assintecal, Walter Rodrigues, spoke about the research methodology and, in particular, this year’s theme, Burnout. The stylist revealed that the theme emphasizes the broken doll aesthetic, which portrays a depressive and artificial scenario that is reflected in fashion through a mix of Victorian styles, with the fetish of a closed society, and science fiction and high technology, with a predominant role of Artificial Intelligence.
Amazon Rainforest in INSPIRAMAIS
One of the highlights of the trade show was the presentation of materials produced by artisans in the Acre Mission. The presentation of 18 types of materials sourced from the Amazon rainforest and their applications took place on the first day.
Thematic spaces
Traditionally, one of the highlights of the trade show was its thematic spaces. Right at the entrance of the event is INSPIRAMAIS Connection, a space where more than a thousand innovative materials were showcased, created from the inspiration research led by the coordinator of the Design and Research Nucleus at Assintecal, Walter Rodrigues. Also, a permanent feature at INSPIRAMAIS is the Creative Connection Hub spaces, which showcase materials developed by micro/small businesses, cooperatives, designers, and artisans, as well as the Leather Preview, presenting the latest innovations from Brazilian tanneries.
Alternative to large shopping malls
This year, the new addition to the lineup of spaces was Open Design Independente. For the first time in its history, INSPIRAMAIS featured a space focused on B2C business, i.e., aimed at the end consumer. The focus of the exhibition was on fashion accessories, jewelry, and home decor. Open Design aimed to be an alternative to traditional shopping centers and stores, offering direct contact with high-quality products made in Brazil by small entrepreneurs.
Photos: Inspiramais.