7 Ways to Improve Your Skin Health as a Student

Photo by Audrey Fretz on Unsplash

7 Ways to Improve Your Skin Health as a Student

Do you know that your skin is the biggest organ in the human body? It is a barrier between your internal systems and the world. In fact, healthy skin regulates temperature and protects you from bacteria and viruses.

If your biology teacher never taught you that, it’s time to get a skincare education.

Unfortunately, we, busy humans, often forget to be grateful to our skin and treat it right. This article will teach you a few tips on how to improve your skincare routine as a student.

Tip #1: Wash Those Germs Away

Our skin is a battleground for bacteria and viruses trying to invade our bodies. And they all live on the surfaces of the objects we use each day. Just think how many times you touched a keyboard to get your paper proofread without washing your hands first! No wonder you ended up with a well-crafted essay but a few pimples the day after.

Wash your pillowcase. Once you forget to wipe your makeup away, think of your pillow as a plate culture. Yes, your pillow has all conditions for germs to breed. The best way to keep bacteria out of your bed is to change a pillowcase once a week;

Disinfect your phone screen and a keyboard. Our smart devices are things we touch with dirty hands most often. Because we carry laptops and smartphones everywhere we go, the bacteria easily stick to them and then invade our personal space. Use a disinfecting spray or wipes to keep the screen surfaces clean;

Wash your hands and face. These open body parts are most predisposed to getting dirty. Do not forget to wipe your makeup away before going to sleep, or wash your hands with soap before joining your friends for dinner.

Be sure to use natural hand soap and avoid harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin. If you have sensitive skin, look for soap and cleansers with ingredients like aloe or shea butter.

Tip #2: Skin Type is the Key

How many times have you bought expensive creams to find out they leave nothing but oily stains? A good cream is one that satisfies your skin needs. Oily skin will not thank you if you apply olive oil-based creams, as well as dry skin if you use benzoyl-peroxide gels.

Finding Your Skin Type

There are four skin types: combination, oily, normal, and dry. Oily skin has large pores and is predisposed to pimples due to excess oil production. Meanwhile, dry skin produces less oil, resulting in dryness yet peeling. Normal skin produces an adequate amount of oil, while the combination type is the mixture of oily and dry types. Which one is yours? To solve this conundrum once and for all, visit a dermatologist.

Tip #3: Develop a Strict Skincare Routine

Everyone is guilty of forgetting to care about their skin in time. Remember three skincare steps to never forget about your skin needs.

  • Cleanse. The most basic skincare activity everyone is familiar with. Your cleanser should not be the most expensive product in your skincare. Keep your cleansing ingredients natural. Also, adding peptides and ceramides will work a miracle in the long run;
  • Moist. This is where moisturizers, creams, and lotions come in quick help. If you’ve got an oily or combination skin type, better focus on lotions. In the case of dryer types, use thick oil-based creams;
  • Exfoliate. Use mild exfoliants, especially if your skin is dry. In this case, exfoliate your skin once every 7-10 days. Oily skin types can afford 2-times exfoliation per week.
Tip #4: Get Enough Beauty Sleep

Sleep is that magic ingredient that erases the tired look on your face and restores your energy to write more essays. Sleep tops all health secrets of diet experts and fitness coaches. Unfortunately, those student parties and late-night projects do no good to your sleeping routine. Follow a few tips to ensure your sleep restoration:

  • Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep;
  • Go to sleep before clocks strike midnight;
  • To avoid tossing and turning in bed, drink a camomile tea;
  • Cut down your screen time;
  • Stop binge-watching Netflix late at night;
  • If you don’t get enough sleep, drink enough water to avoid dehydration.
Tip #5: Stay Hydrated

While sleep restores collagen levels and damaged cells, water keeps your skin plump and youth-looking. Without enough water supply, your skin complexion would be dull and unhealthy. A vitamin C serum will brighten your skin, but the lack of water will bring the tired look back.
To ensure your skin gets enough water, follow the next tips:

  • Take a bottle of water everywhere you go;
  • Aim for 2-liter intake on a daily basis;
  • Add soups and broths to your menu;
  • Make juices and fruits a part of your daily diet;
  • Stay away from the sun in summer;
  • Drink water while exercising.
Tip #6: Eat Healthy

Most student lifestyles are a helter-skelter when it comes to eating. With extracurricular activities and part-time jobs, there is no time for cooking and self-care. This hasty lifestyle makes one turn to fast food and unhealthy munchies.

  • Keep your ‘cuisine’ simple. Find some healthy recipes for students. No need for fancy meals or insipid food. In fact, plain eating is the healthiest one. Pre-cut ingredients and stock them into the refrigerator to save time;
  • Think of 3 elements. Three food groups that your body needs are carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Plan a meal. For instance, eat fish (protein and fats) mixed with vegetables and greens (carbs) to ensure the intake of all food groups;
  • Add supplements and minerals. It often happens that the food we eat does not provide us with all minerals and elements. Visit a dietician for a supplement and mineral prescription if there is a need for it.
Tip #7: Enjoy Physical Activity

Whether it’s riding a bicycle or jogging early in the morning, sports boosts your mood. While exercising, your heart pumps blood faster than usual yet produces more oxygen. The latter equals a fresh and glowing skin look. Sports activities to consider are as follows (ranging from the most relaxing to the most energy-boosting):

  • Yoga and pilates;
  • Riding a bike;
  • Dancing;
  • Jogging;
  • HIT training.
Final Thoughts

We all admire good-looking people with glowing skin. These peachy complexions and acne-free texture make you envy the lucky ones. Eat healthy, exercise, sleep well, and stay hydrated. In the end, your body and your skin will be grateful to you. Try the tips from the article to improve your skincare routine and enjoy shining skin!


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