Creating The “Cool”: Summer School Creative

Summer in the City

Ashley-mainIn the world of fashion and entertainment, image is everything. But how do you create that “effortless cool” (almost never effortless IRL) when you don’t have the time … or don’t know where to start? You might want to hire someone like New York entrepreneur Ashley Mihelich of Summer School Creative.

Q: Tell us a about Summer School Creative.
Summer School is basically a one-stop shop for all things creative. Originally, it started out as a place to get content: from photo shoots and lookbooks to behind-the-scenes videos and social media content. Then we got involved with the development side, like creating logos and graphic design.

Summer School Creative is for people who don’t know how to present their image to the world. So we work together to create that vision, and then I go out and hire the models, find the location, and do all of the groundwork.

Summer School Creative is for people who don’t know how to present their image to the world. So we work together to create that vision.

Summer School Creative

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Q: How did you get started?
My friend and I have a hair accessories company. We were creating our own photo shoots and, from that, we met this great network of photographers and makeup artists. I really enjoyed developing the creative direction for shoots, and so the whole concept grew organically. I then decided to offer my network and my services to other designers as either a full package or as à la carte services.

Q: What are you most looking forward to at NYFW this February?

The Internet has made everything so fast at New York Fashion Week. So I always enjoy seeing what brands are doing to make fashion new and innovative.

I always enjoy seeing what brands are doing to make fashion new and innovative.

Q: What’s your favorite trend this season?
I’m really drawn to the culotte trend, although I haven’t gotten into it myself just quite yet.

Q: What makes Summer School Creative special?

Summer School Creative is a one-stop shop, which makes it a really easy solution when you need extra time — or more help — with your brand. We work with a range of emerging designers and established brands to put the best content out there.

We work with a range of emerging designers and established brands.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about working in fashion?


I love looking at what everyone is bringing to the table for a brand. And because everyone has their opinion, making it all work is the most interesting aspect.

Q: How do you balance your vision with your clients’ visions?

I think it’s a matter of learning how to talk to people. When you can explain the reasoning behind your vision, people tend to meet you in the middle, and are willing to compromise on something you might have originally had opposing opinions about.

Q: Where do you see Summer School Creative in five years?

I would love to see the company have its own space where brands can speak to Summer School Creative consultants, take photoshoots, etc. So essentially bringing us to the same level as companies like Sandbox or Milk.

Q: Any final thoughts?
We’re bringing our clients quality creative options at a very affordable price. We love helping brands successfully convey their vision to the masses.

Learn More

Twitter: @smmrschl
Facebook: @smmrschl
IG: @smmrschl

With love,


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Julia Zeldin
Julia Zeldin
Julia Zeldin, FWO Associate Editor, moved all the way from Chicago to New York so she could freeze in a new city. She's interviewed Vivienne Tam and Lubov Azria, among others.

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