Joyce Cortez
Joyce Cortez
Joyce is a fashion journalist and international lead editor of PL Enterprises and content manager of ACM in Australia. Joyce is always on the lookout for upcoming trends; she loves exclusive interviews to inspire others by sharing her gathered success stories. She supports many causes that are close to her beliefs and was also a guest panelist on CNN. Connect with her at @ joycecortz on Instagram.

Exclusive: Interview with Choupette’s Diary Creator and Choupette Social Girl

Exclusive: Interview with Choupette’s Diary Creator and Choupette Social Girl

In the world of the rich and famous, the rich don’t become famous until they become a household name. One of these cases is Choupette Lagerfeld; most of us were aware she was owned by Karl Lagerfeld, who spoiled her with Chanel, Fendi, and the luxury – pampered by her two maids, cover shoots with supermodels, supermodel cat sitters and traveled first-class around the world. But, there’s a big BUT! Choupette wasn’t relatable to perhaps on her own language, “filthy hoomans” like us.

Ashley Tschudin made Choupette Lagerfeld a household name when she created Choupette’s Diary in 2012, making Karl’s Birman cat somewhat relatable. Ashley is the dahhhling diva and nonchalant fictional character and voice of Choupette on social media.

Exclusive: Interview with Choupette’s Diary Creator and Choupette Social Girl

While social media could be a dark place, Choupette’s Diary is rather light and entertaining. The fierce cattitude is loved and followed by 303 thousand followers on Instagram, more than 52 thousand on Twitter and 50 thousand likes on Facebook.

Ashley Tschudin, the woman behind Choupette’s Diary and Choupette Social Girl, is absolutely a game changer.

Q: How did you become Choupette’s social girl and what was your diary goal back then in 2012?

In 2012, social media “influencer” wasn’t a word and my career in digital marketing wasn’t a common job. I wish I could say I went into it with a social media strategy as one would do now, but I could never have predicted it to be where it is today. I am eternally grateful for all the love and support of @ChoupettesDiary followers and readers. I couldn’t do this without them.

Q: We love the “Dahhhlings” Choupette’s Diary dialogues, and the beauty and health tips that come with it. How did you find balance with this role and made it so entertaining that it appears to be Choupette’s talking?

It is a challenge switching between my Choupette Social Girl voice and the Choupette’s Diary voice. I often find myself saying things Choupette would say. It’s as if she has now become a part of me and her voice is a representation of different parts of my personality mixed with traits of others I know in the fashion and beauty space.

Q: Does Choupette suffer anxiety attacks now that she doesn’t see Karl?

That question actually hits very close to home because I personally suffer from anxiety. Mental health awareness is very important in the social media space and while I cannot speak on behalf of pet anxiety, I do want to raise awareness for this issue as it pertains to the use of social media. With the launch of the viral Egg, I believe as a society we are taking the necessary steps to move forward with mental health awareness.

Q: Any advice to furry-friend owners who follow your lead on social media?

Have fun with it! Social media gets taken so seriously and at the end of the day, it should be enjoyable and not overly stressful.


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