We Love Designer Inga Skripka

Inga Skripka Biography and Statement

Every once in awhile, a designer catches our eye in an unexpected place. So it was, the day we stumbled upon Inga Skripka (ingaskripka.com) (@inkaskripka) on Etsy.

We don’t normally think of Etsy as a place for high-fashion finds — or avant-garde, emerging designers — but we were so impressed with Inga’s work, we wanted to learn more about her and her craft.

Read on to learn more about Inga, in her own words:

“I was born in small country in north Europe nearby Baltic Sea. I earned a bachelor’s in painting at Vilnius Academy of Fine Art in Lithuania. After graduation, I moved to Germany where I began interdisciplinary studies at the Berlin Art Institute.

“The life of Berlin has been full new treasures to me, and given me an opportunity to discover the works of Robert Wilson, Oskar Schlemmer, and Gunta Stölzl, as well. They have been a big influence on my works and on my future.

Inga Skripka Biography and Statement

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“I founded ‘Inga Skripka’ brand in 2015 and I began exploring my own design language. I’m interested in a Bauhaus sculptural quality of clothing, playing with silhouette of shapes, often using rigid materials and experimental techniques. The flatness of most of the articles only allows the clothing to move in a stiff way — they are molded to a specific shape, not to the wearer.

I’m interested in a Bauhaus sculptural quality of clothing

“The fashion platform to me is more unfamiliar. Usually I’m working with performance of the theater as a costume designer and on my own brand as a experimental platform. I do not call my works ‘fashion’ and myself a ‘fashion designer,’ but it’s a great honor that I may inspire interest as such.

I do not call my myself a ‘fashion designer’

“My last works were created last year, in 2018. The works were dedicated to people (but primarily to me), which are lost in the creative process. I call it ‘For stumbling ones and falling ones.’ The idea of the collection is fiction based on a concrete situation.

“The creator, scared and frustrated, cannot create any more. He leaves his ordinary living and goes to the dunes. There the Earth stands still, time is devoid of meaning, and the creator searches for the new intervals of time in the space of dunes.”


Photos: Vaidas Jokūbauskas and Rasa Nebasa
Models: Justina Jasaitytė and Justina Aleknavičiūtė
Make-up: facepoetry and urban colours makeup


Learn More

@inkaskripka on Instagram
on Etsy

With love,


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Hannah Longman
Hannah Longman
From fashion school in NYC to the front row, Hannah works to promote fashion and lifestyle as the communications liaison of Fashion Week Online®, responsible for timely communication of press releases and must-see photo sets.

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