Mister Triple X Takes Univision Awards by Storm

X-Cellent: Mister Triple X

Edgy, fun streetwear brand Mister Triple X recently staged an apparent takeover at the 30th Anniversary special Univision Awards at Miami’s American Airlines Arena!

TV Presenter Pamela Silva Conde (@pamelasilvatv) wore Mister Triple X to host the opening interviews for TV show Primer Impacto.

Mister Triple X Takes Univision

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Meanwhile, pop singer Luis Coronel (@luiscoronelmusic) wore a Mister Triple X suit on the red carpet, and to announce the awards, and won Best Dressed of the entire event! Finally, a Grand Finale with Olga Tanon (@olgatanonofficial) singing with Latin pop sensation Chyno Miranda (@chynomiranda) also rocked Mister Triple X to end the event!

Stylist Angie (@angieestilo) did an amazing job to help with the complete #MisterTripleX takeover!

Next, Mister Triple X will be headed to Los Angeles Fashion Week as a closing designer of the event on March 16th.

Next, Mister Triple X will be headed to Los Angeles Fashion Week

You won’t want to miss his epic show, and you can get insider tickets directly from FWO. Fashion Week Online will be giving away 2 front row tickets to the show along with other amazing prizes to fashion week and a chance to meet with the designer and gifted some swag, compliments of FWO.

Fashion Week Online will be giving away 2 front row tickets


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Mister Triple X

With love,


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