Unieke Mode New York Fashion Week
Witness exclusive runway presentations that will inspire your wardrobe this season. Immerse yourself in the world of fashion, in an opportunity to be part of fashion history and create exciting new memories!
Additional Details
RSVP / Info. Email (Note: This WILL be published. You can leave this blank if you don't want it to be made public.) - info@uniekemodeny.com
Casting Info. (For Our VIP Model Members Only - Will Not Be Publicly Displayed)
Special Opportunity: Get featured to our VIP members. Simply provide a discount code of 5%-25% (TIP! Use "FWO" but make it hard to guess; e.g." FWOVIPGO15) and include a link to where they can enter the code (this is probably your tickets page). The code itself can be anything. PLEASE LET US KNOW THE DISCOUNT %. -