The Interview: Part 1
Eddie Mullon:
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FWO Influencers Presents: Eddie Mullon
Intro by Pablo Starr

World: Get ready for Launchmetrics.
In our latest Influencers Series installment, we trace Eddie’s journey, which began the day he was called … to fix a computer.
The Interview: Part 2
(Transcription by Fiona Luvell for FWO.)
Interview by Chris Collie, Editor-in-Chief
Q: Hello everyone, welcome again to another Influencer series here on I’m sitting here with our honored guest, Mr. Eddie Mullon, who single-handedly has changed the fashion week industry for the better with Fashion GPS. If you haven’t heard of Fashion GPS, we’re going to get into the journey of Mr. Eddie Mullon and how he started it; and it’s really an interesting story so I’m happy that he’s here to share with you. And just to let you know, a side note: this is literally 3 days before fashion week starts. So he took out his time to actually be with us. So we’re definitely pleased, and thank you very much Eddie.
No, no. Thank you for having me.
Q: So the first question is, let’s go back to the beginning. When we were talking off camera you said you had three companies when you first started?
Yeah, three companies.
Q: And none of which was Fashion GPS yet.
No. They weren’t, no.
Q: Okay, so Laptop MD, that’s the one I really know about.
Yeah and it’s still going around; actually I sold that to somebody back in … I think it was about 2004.
Q: Okay, okay. And with Laptop MD you were fixing laptops you said, or fixing anything, and you got to meet a lot of New Yorkers and celebrities.
Q: So with Laptop MD, did you have an idea in your mind already that you wanted to do more, or you were just trying to — in survival mode until something better came along.
Actually that’s a really good way of putting it — I was in survival mode.
So I just moved from the UK here in 2000. I worked for a company for about a year. And it was a very big, large company. And it really frustrated me because a lot of times I was just spending time having meetings.
And just one day I wanted to be productive and do something. So I’m a very hands-on person. So I actually ended up leaving and I had to find something to do. So I actually –- I was actually writing software when I was 12 years old. Back in …
I’m a very hands-on person. I was actually writing software when I was 12 years old.
Q: So you were a late bloomer.
Yeah, no. I think I was born with a computer. And at the time there was a computer called Sinclair. It was a ZX81.
Q: Oh yeah.
And amazingly now on these phones you have like gigabytes, it used to have 1K. And those days you had to actually write your own software to play a video game.
In those days you had to actually write your own software to play a video game.
Q: Right.
So that got me passionate and really that’s kind of the early history but I’ve always been very close to technology and that’s why I started Laptop MD. For me, I wanted to do something that you know, I could roll up my sleeves and I found that fixing computers was a quick way of doing that.
But amazingly you’re right, I actually met so many people in New York City because, for me, it was letting me just get the job done. I was very good at it. So I was fixing computers, maybe setting up your email, your wireless. I was really like a technical consultant but I met everyone from at the time — I actually met Seal, Heidi Klum …
I met Seal, Heidi Klum …
Q: Okay, so I’m going to start fixing laptops because I need to meet these people.
Yeah, at the time and I met some amazing people and it really gave me a good foundation.
Q: Right. So let me take you back one more time. You were mentioning the Sinclair. Do you remember the Commodore Vic 20?
I had all of them.
Q: What? You had a 64?
I had a 64, a Commodore Amiga. I grew up on … yeah.
Q: I had a Commodore Vic 20 and I remember it was so huge. When I put in 2 plus 2 and it gave me 4. I thought that was the best thing ever. I’m like what? I can actually do math on this? So did you ever fix those? Did you take those computers apart and kind of …
Yeah, that’s what I did, even as a kid — I actually have this crazy funny story. A bit younger, I don’t know what age, it must have been at around 10 or 11. I was so fascinated by it, I used to just break everything apart.
Q: I’m sure your parents were happy with that.
No, no, this is a crazy story. So I actually decided, I was looking at the TV, I just wanted to know how this thing worked. So I actually decided to go while it’s on behind it, unscrewed it and started just poking around. And of course you know what happens when you … ?
I was looking at the TV, I just wanted to know how this thing worked. While it was on.
Q: Oh my goodness. I’m glad you’re still here.
I got electrocuted, I got thrown back and I was just like … actually at the time I had hair, I was just like …
Q: So that’s what happened.
Q: So after that it was like no, no more.
Yeah, I always loved technology, I would just always break things apart and I feel like that’s what happened with the fashion industry. That same experience where I was so fascinated.
I would just always break things apart. I feel like that’s what happened with the fashion industry.
Q: So when did the fashion bug hit you? Or did it hit you?
No, it didn’t hit me. It happened by chance and actually it’s a really great story because when I had Laptop MD, I used to go around and post flyers.
And a publicist at KCD actually — at the time I didn’t know what KCD was, just another company — brought me in. She was frustrated because she couldn’t get her computer fixed for several weeks. And I was able to do it within like 20 minutes.
A publicist at KCD needed her computer fixed.
Q: So basically they fired the IT team.
Q: They basically fired them that day. They were like, “You’re fired. Eddie, let’s go.”
But I contributed to that because I’m sure he was really busy; it was a huge company. And then I just got referred through the company.
And then, from fixing the computer, I ended up doing a lot more for them.
Q: Did you go full time with them?
No, no, I actually was servicing other companies, people around the city. I actually enjoyed it at the time. So yeah.
Q: Wow, so after the KCD … was it during that time, or seeing their kind of infrastructure, that you said, “There has to be an easier way to facilitate what these people are doing?”
No, no, that’s not what actually happened. So with everything that I was doing — actually Rachna Shah [Executive Vice President, PR / Managing Director, KCD Digital] at the time — and she’s still there and a very good friend — she asked me, she goes, “Eddie you’re so good at computers and technology … we have a closet, and it’s a mess. Can you figure something out?” So I said “sure” and I actually ended up building a system … I think it took me about two or three weeks.
Rachna Shah at KCD asked me to build a system.
Q: Oh, so it took you a long time.
Yeah. That was actually …
Q: Two or three weeks — good grief! I’ll have to take you to our business closet.
It was a very simple system, and what it actually did was it allowed them to print bar codes and attach them to the samples, so when they’re sending them out they’re not spending 40 minutes hand-writing every single piece and detail …
It allowed them to print bar codes and attach them to samples.
Q: And itemizing.
They just scan, scan, scan; it prints out the delivery, and it will be done in 2 minutes. So for me, that was — and I actually didn’t realize when I built it — it was like, I saw what they were doing, and when they were using it, it was like, “This is incredible. You know, I can actually do this.”
And especially, what really touched me at the time was just watching the interns. Because it was really the interns: you had people in the back room, they just started giggling. It was just like, “Oh my God,” because they could see how much I was going to save them. And it not only did that, it also tracked where it was going, so when they needed to get the samples back …
The interns could see how much I was going to save them.
Q: Oh, they knew exactly.
They knew exactly where it was. So it was a very basic sample tracking and really that was the beginning.
Q: Did you call it “Fashion GPS” at that time?
No. I think I called it “Track 12” or “Track 0,” I couldn’t figure out — it actually took about 2 or 3 years to find the name “Fashion GPS,” and a lot of thinking.
Q: Really.
You know sometimes these things …
Q: When I heard it, I was like, “This is ingenious. How did he get that name?” And I always wanted to know how Fashion GPS came about, the name itself. What it because of just the GPS navigation, and you kind of said, “You know what? Fashion GPS.”
Actually, you kind of got it there, and I think for me, GPS is so instrumental to technology.
Everything around us is based on that now. So I just started thinking about technology, that’s the thing that’s really impacted us hugely. It was like GPS and tracking and location, and everything that GPS does. And I thought, “When you say ‘GPS,’ you instantly know it’s technology.” And as soon as I put the two together, I was like, “Is the .com available?” And it was available.
And at the time there were all these other companies available and they were calling them something like I think “celebrity GPS,” and now I see that. But back then, you know, I believe I was the first one who thought of that, and I created Fashion GPS.
And as soon as I put the two together, I was like, “Is the .com available?”
Q: So let me ask you, how did it go from Track 12 to Fashion GPS? How did you start expanding on just that technology of tracking the closets to now: where it facilitates invitations and everything with the shows?
That took many years … I feel like almost 15 years to get to where we are now.
And for me, it really was a discovery, you know. I feel like I was a kid in a candy store: from seeing a sample and what I could do there, and then I started to look at other things like what does it take to put on a fashion show?
And prior to technology or Fashion GPS, just sending out invitations that would be biked — you know, that would be printed; the seating they basically had a big table with stickies; they take a big picture; they take you to the copier that scales it down, and if you’ve got another office, they’re faxing it over. And it was just very …
For the seating, they basically had a big table with stickies.
Q: It was mayhem.
So … after all of that I actually went back to Rachna and I said, you know, “Just give me a chance; I know I can streamline the event management.” And she agreed, and we spent about a year just really understanding how that process really took place. You know, the seating and everything that’s involved. And built the technology around it.
And it was very basic at the beginning. It was, you can manage your guest list, you can send electronic invitations. And at the time, that was the first, I believe — I know there are others — but in fashion I would say.
And a very basic seating chart as well. And that just kept on evolving.
So for me it was just — I started to understand a sample ends up at a fashion show to be showed, people come and then I started to think about, you know, this is a community of people that have relationships, and there’s nothing that is really tying them together.

And then I thought about starting a community — and that’s GPS Radar now — to really centralize all the events. Not only New York but London and Paris.
And it was challenging at the time because with the different agencies obviously they’re competing … but for me, I could say that it’s the same contact list. And it took about two years — and a lot of conversations — to have the major agencies and brands agree to do it.
It took about two years — and a lot of conversations — to have the major agencies and brands agree to do it.
And when they did, that’s when we launched Radar, which then integrated — which is a community. And it was more of a discovery. So where — after you go to a show — now you can RSVP very easily with the app, and you can log on and see all the shows that you went to.
Q: As I just did a few minutes ago. I was just showing the cameraman, I just did one. This is why I love it right here.
We had an opportunity to partner with Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. And I don’t know if you remember Bryant Park, it was always …
Q: Do I remember it? Don’t cross my heart. I loved Bryant Park. I loved it. I loved it …
… there was a good attitude and I was the — I would just stand outside, back before we were doing events and I actually felt, you know, I want to be in there. Because this is really exciting, but I could see the chaos.
I actually felt, you know, I want to be in there.
Q: We were probably standing side by side, not knowing each other, looking at it like, “One day ….”
Yeah. And I could see the mess and it’s just — and I felt that we could actually help streamline a fashion week. And that’s when we partnered with Mercedes-Benz, and that’s when we introduced kiosks and other methods to just — really at the end of the day you guys are busy, you want to go to a show, you want to organize yourself, you want to get to the next one.
And I was just looking for a solution to do that. It worked out really well. It was a success. And I actually remember the time when we were just about to launch and it was — I’m sure it was like 9 o’clock in the morning, my team was still developing, and it was like a feature film …
Q: My hands are sweating now thinking about how nervous I would have been.
And there were people at the door, and they would hit the button, and everything booted up, and it just went you know, it’s okay.
Q: Oh, my good. Thank god.
And it was a success. It actually was.
But we had our kinks, you know — there is a process, but it worked out really well. But if we think about Paris, it is done differently. They don’t want kiosks; they don’t want to use phones; so what we decided to do is actually put RFID chips in the invitations.
Paris is done differently. They don’t want kiosks; they don’t want to use phones.
So now a lot of the shows in Europe, you can check in by just booking your invitation, but our technology is acknowledging that you’ve actually turned up. And it registers on the iPad, so that they can guide you to the seat.
And all you want to do is — you know, for me is how can we quickly get you in, watch the show, experience it, and come out.
Q: As fast as possible.
Yeah. And then just the final iteration of that was you’re going to a show to basically experience — but then you don’t have the content. So now we actually deliver the looks. Right after the show — within half an hour to an hour to the app — so that then it goes to 360: you have seen the show, you can favorite what you like, maybe you’ve seen 10 shows. At the end of the week you can then log in and you can see all the shows, which ones did you miss. But then you can also request a sample and then it goes 360 back to the sample tracking.
Q: That’s amazing.
Okay. Now I’ve kind of completed the circle. But that took a long time.
Q: Right. Right. You know, you mentioned something, when you went back to KCD and you asked them to give you a shot at streamlining everything. It’s funny that they didn’t try to say, “okay, well, since we basically allowed you to do this, we want a piece of it now.” They never approached you about trying to like let’s say get like 20% of the company and say, well, we helped you do this, this should be part of us as well. That’s why I was shocked about …
No, no. I was just going back. It wasn’t just KCD …
Q: Okay.
It was — you know, we worked with KCD and there was Bismarck Phillips, Donna Karan and then — there was a lot of brands and people asked me “How did you build this?” I didn’t build fashion GPS. I just executed it. I listen to the industry, I listen to my clients.
Q: Got you.
So really in the fashion industry all of my clients built this. I was just executing it …
Q: Got you.
… you know, making it together. So I think at the end of the day when I look at that it’s everyone really contributed and often that’s where I became really passionate about the industry because I was giving something and they were getting something. Because they’re frustrated and now — and if they’re running a report or checking in, it’s a lot easier. And I’m sure if you ask a lot of them, our clients on their end — you know, what has GPS done for them? Or even on the media side like the people.
So all I thought about was how can I make this — how can I connect the industry, make it efficient? And not just about connecting like LinkedIn, you know, you just usually connect with people and then nothing really, you’re just connected. And I know it actually has other uses but for me it is like how can I connect and make that useful? You know, get you and RSVP. Research new brands and I think that’s where we’re going now.
Q: That’s what I use it for, researching new brands. I love it. I love it.
And we’re covering brands worldwide and it’s not only look images, we’re putting in product images. We’ve got another product now, GPS Styles, that allows you to upload your brand and it’s really to me also what’s important because the company was organically grown. As I started to understand it what we do as a company, we help brands launch their product to the marketplace, from concept to consumer. And that’s really important for us.

Q: Now for people that are watching and they have a brand, how — do they try to contact you to get on — like as far as introducing them to the marketplace, can a brand contact you and say “Well, we want to be on Fashion GPS” or they kind of organically — you discover them and you reach out to them and say we want to feature you …
Yeah. We have a sales team now. And also — you know, for me I’m passionate about emerging brands because I understand how difficult it is. You’re building a business, you’re creating beautiful things and you go to manage your contact. It’s a lot. And especially if you have a team of 2 or 3. So for us what’s important is we provide a technology.
So for them if they’re using our stars, they can upload. So instead of printing a look book you can upload your collection and that gives access to a — it’s about 33 — 35, I haven’t checked the last numbers of our community and instantly they’re getting access to that. So as you were saying you go on there to discover new brands. On their end they’re actually getting who’s looking at it so that they can contact you. They can say “oh you’re interested in my brand? Would you like a sample?” So it’s really a way …
Q: That’s ingenious.
Q: That’s ingenious.
No, it’s about how can we help both ends. So it’s helping the influencers, it’s helping the media, it’s also helping the brands. And we also want to be the connector but with smart technology.
Q: You are the connector. Not wanting to be anymore, you are …
I still feel that there’s a lot to do.
Q: So let’s get into that. Because I — and this is probably why the Lord didn’t bless me with the technology gene I’m not trying to do something like this. I would think we reached our plateau. Like there’s nothing else we can do. What else do you see for Fashion GPS and just overall, what else do you see it expanding into?
There is so much. So I don’t know if you heard, we just recently announced that we merged with a company, so …
Q: Merged?
We merged, yeah. It was just announced with Women’s Wear Daily.
Q: Oh in WWD, okay. That’s alright, we love WWD, they’re not competitive; we love everybody.
Yeah, Tech Crunch and it’s actually good because what was important to me was when we look at the world it’s all about digital, it’s all about influencers. And with that there’s a company that we’ve been competing with in France called Augure.
And I actually met with their CEO back in June, last year. And we started discussing, and what’s interesting is they’re doing sample tracking but they didn’t really focus on fashion, they’re a lot broader. And they were doing influencer marketing. So that’s what’s been on our minds for the last few years, but we’re just doing so much.
So part of the merger was to ultimately be able to provide a platform for the brand, for the agency so that not only can you be efficient in what you do, with sample management, event management, your digital assets but also how can you reach the right influencer?
How can you reach the right influencer?
Because everyone in today’s world is either on Instagram, you’ve got Twitter and there’s so much out there and it’s very noisy. And that’s what this technology does.
So the combination is to take the two and be able to provide something that is so compelling — and really at the end of the day it’s my passion — how can I help the designer be able to ultimately reach the target audience? And the influencer influences the consumer and that’s what the technology does, but then tie that back into your event. So our platform events GPS not only does full-blown — shows live Victoria’s Secret …
Q: You mean Victoria’s Secret that’s on CBS music?
Yeah, they use …
Q: Okay, so next year can you just slide me in as a Fashion GPS member because I need to go to the Victoria’s Secret …
I can’t do that; you’ve got to go through the right check. You should talk to KCD.
Q: Oh man.
Yeah, so …
Q: So that’s officially now launched. And people can actually start reaching out to that. Say there is an influence — say I’m an influencer. Could I reach out to events GPS and say listen, I just want to be in your system so if brands want to contact me …
So that’s exactly what we’re doing. It’s currently when you have an event or a press day or any event, it could be inviting 10 people or 1,000 people. You’re using your own contacts.
What we can now do is I’m launching say, for example, a red dress, and I want to reach influencers that write about red dresses right across the Internet.
And I think this is what’s important in today’s world. You can invite somebody to a physical show which should not go away. It’s an experience, it’s something that’s very important to the fashion industry. But you can also invite people that can’t attend because maybe they’re in Japan or worldwide. And that’s what we’re looking to do.
You know, you may have somebody in Japan that loves writing about red dresses — that’s an influencer that can reach consumers in Japan. And that’s what we want to do. So when you put on your event you’re inviting say 1,000 people. We’ll then in the future be able to, once we integrate — maybe you should be inviting these, because they’re closer to your brand and it’s the influencer that you should be working with.
And not only for events but for our GPS samples, our GPS Styles. It’s just a way that that could really streamline …
Q: Wow. That’s great because influencers are huge right now.
They are, but it’s very hard to find the right influencer. And it could be a small bracket of say 5,000 really high-end influencers. Like you’ve got …
Q: Olivia.
Yeah. But you also have thousands of — maybe hundreds of thousands — of upcoming, and that’s what we can track.
Because if you’ve got maybe one influencer but you’ve got maybe you’ve got a thousand that can talk about your brand because ultimately you want to collect that to make better decisions as a designer. What should I put into production?
Q: Absolutely. So you’re not wasting money on production on a dead product.
So you do your physical show or you just do a digital fashion show through our community.
Q: Wow and that’s ready to go right now?
No actually with GPS Styles you can upload your collection and we’ve got case studies that we’re putting together that within 24 hours you’ve got thousands of views and that’s your target list.
It’s your lead gen of retailers or media that are interested in talking about your collection. You know, maybe featuring it. So you can be more creative. Use data. And today’s world is all about data. And that’s what we want to do. Efficiency and provide all of that back to the designer so we’re making things that people want.
Today’s world is all about data.
Q: And making them easier to use.
Just connecting everything. And that’s really the reason for the merger. It’s important and I felt that back when I started the company. I self-funded it, I actually raised capital in 2010 and I just realized this is so big. And I can’t do it. I need investment.
But at the same time, when you’re growing a business as well — especially at the scale that we’re growing now — we really needed to find somebody that fits in nicely with our vision, our culture. And everything is integrated incredibly.
We really needed to find somebody that fits in nicely with our vision, our culture.
Q: So here’s a good question for you. Now, I always ask and I love to hear the answers. What would you say, what would the Eddie of today tell the 12 year old Eddie that was electrocuted about his journey to kind of expedite the process of getting to this point? What would you tell him about the pitfalls? How would you navigate him a little better to get him to this point and at a quicker rate?
I would have said study more.
Q: Really?
Because for me, everything was an experience, and I think this is really important. Diversity is very — because I was born in Malawi in Africa. Moved to the UK and then moved here.
Diversity is very important.
Q: So you traveled a lot.
I experienced a lot of different cultures. I travel a lot as well. And that’s very important. But you know, going back, I would have said I was more anxious about getting into … you know, I would have said, actually, “Electrocute yourself twice.”
I would have said, actually, “Electrocute yourself twice.”
Q: Oh wow, so much for studying more. There goes that.
I don’t know but, you know, it depends. It’s been a great journey and I think I wouldn’t change it. I think it’s everything has been an experience and it’s great.
Q: So, what do you think about the fashion industry today? Do you feel it’s more productive today or do you feel it’s — because some people say they liked the more exclusivity of it when it was back in the day when it was Bryant Park and it wasn’t like everyone could get in and it wasn’t such a spectacle where people didn’t appreciate it. Because I remember when I was attending Bryant Park shows no one would ask me, “How can I get tickets?” They just knew it wasn’t for them.
Yeah, of course.
Q: Now people call me like right now my phone probably has about 10 messages where people are like how can I get tickets? Can you give me a plus one? I’m like has it changed to where people think it’s a super bowl event for like fashion? Do you feel like it has changed more now because of technology that more people feel like they should be there? Or do you feel that technology has helped to bring it to a massive audience to where it’s just a bigger spectacle overall as far as …
No it is because everyone — you know, if you think about maybe 10 years ago and you were going to a show, you wouldn’t access the images or anything. Now you’ve got people Instagramming it, and I think that that’s the fascination. It’s the more desire to get in and get seen.
So I think it’s what the consumer had access to before, there was really nothing. And now they’ve got almost everything. Seeing it almost in real time; I think that’s really what’s changed. And I feel like and this is what I’ve been thinking a lot about it and a lot of the work that I’ve been doing is you know what is that next step?
Before the consumer had access to really nothing. And now they’ve got almost everything.
You know, how can we take the fashion show, the industry to where social and influencers are and engage it. Because there is a disconnect. And it is right, especially for luxuries. Luxury is a desire. And a lot of the consumers they can look at it but they can’t buy it. And I think that’s what a lot of the luxury brands want. Because it is there. You know, you want something and you save for two years to buy it or maybe you have luxury consumers that can buy.
Seeing it almost in real time; I think that’s really what’s changed.
But at the end of the day when I think of other brands, obviously they are producing beautiful things that they want to reach the right buyer or the right consumer. And I feel like that’s — you know there’s a lot of noise now with technology. So you can still have your intimate — and I’ve learned so much through the industry that our technology does do that, you can actually do a private event and then only broadcast it privately through specific — we call them Private Look Books, you know, through a system.
But I still feel like there’s a lot of changes that’s going to happen. A lot of discovery and hopefully you know, we’ll be able to help with that. But we are going for that transition.
Q: So do you feel now with that transition do you feel that the industry overall, just on a whole scale do you feel that you’ve learned more now that you’re lost in it or do you feel that you’ve learned more when you were first on it? Like right now what would you say is the biggest thing that you’ve learned after launching Fashion GPS?
The biggest thing I feel that there is still a lot that needs to be done further down the cycle.
So where I came in was sample management. Which is now you create your own prototype, your sample and you need to organize that with a press or even internally. So I figured all that out to reach it but if you go back to that you know, how was the sample made? You know, that you’ve got materials that comprise of it. And also samples you have different versions. You have version 1 to version 10. It changes and even the cutting and all of that.
So there are some technologies that do that, but I feel like if you can connect the material and the manufacturers all the way as it’s being launched that could really help tremendously. And that’s something that I feel I’ve learned a lot by spending a lot of time with just observing designers, meetings that I didn’t understand before.
Q: So who in the fashion industry did you meet where you were kind of like star struck where you were like wow, I can’t believe I met this person. Because I created Fashion GPS I got to meet this person and who was that person that — maybe not in front of them but after you finished talking with them you were like wow, I just talked to such and such.
I met numerous people from Francois Pienaar to Donna Karan and Carolina Herrera. I think they’re all — Calvin Klein — they’re all amazing people. And it’s such a great industry. And I’m so grateful to have stumbled back then to be part of it but …
Donna Karan, Carolina Herrera, Calvin Klein — they’re all amazing people.
Q: Right. If you weren’t doing this, what do you think you’d be doing? If you never went to KCD to fix their computers, what do you think you would be doing? You think you would have Laptop MD?
No, I think I got to the end of the road with Laptop MD with … I actually did another I actually was working with — at the time as I said was actually working with a lot of things.
I was managing an artist, Ellie Lawson and got her signed to Atlantic Records. So I think I would have ended up …
Q: What don’t you do over here? Give someone a chance I mean you’re changing industries and you’re managing artists and getting them signed?
No, that was back then. So I think with all of that I think I would have done something in video games. I actually also created a video game back in 2000. Which was with VT records at the time. Just part of Virgin Music. And that was a full-blown — I think I would have ended up in the video game industry.
Q: Funny you say that, I was going to add, that was my next question. Have you ever thought about creating say a game or something that’s like an educational tool to the younger people that are trying to get into the industry to kind of teach them kind of the steps of fashion kind of like a video game where it’s like, I don’t want to use this reference as the reference but like Kim Kardashian’s game. I know a lot of people don’t like her for whatever reason but …
She has a game? I didn’t know. Okay.
Q: Yeah, she has a game. It’s the number one sold or now Kyle Jenner’s just beat hers. But it was the number one most sold thing on the Internet, it was crazy. I actually downloaded it for my daughter.
Q: And once I started looking into it, it’s actually a good game because it teaches them how to pair colors, how to color block and things of that nature. So I was wondering if you had anything …
Actually that’s a great idea, thank you Chris.
Q: Oh listen. 20%, we’re going to grow it together.
Q: It’s going to be called GPS video games and we’re it. But just something — because when I go talk to children about the fashion industry, they always ask, the one thing they ask me is, how can they be a designer or how can they be what I’m doing. But I don’t think they take the time to — like you said — study. Or actually know the industry. They just want to skip from where I am now and how can I be in the front row of the show. Forget about a lot of the work. I think a lot of it is Instagram, it’s social media because they see a lot of Instagrammers who are famous because they’re free style on Instagram and they feel like they can do that and just skip learning history about it or just learning just basic things about patterns. So I was wondering maybe if you had something in the pipeline that I could kind of …
That is a great way of putting it because when you think about it, when you think about the front row of the fashion shows but there’s so much. You’ve got everything from production, you’ve got the designer element, it’s so vast, you’ve got accounting, it’s so deep when you look at — and I think that’s what you don’t really see.
So maybe that’s something that could be good as a journey that children can see and I think the game would be great as well. How to get through the industry to the front row.
Q: Okay, so we’re going to wrap it up really quick. I was going to do a quick lightning round three questions, whatever comes to your mind, really quick. I’m going to give you two options just yell it out and then that’s how we’ll close.
Q: Okay, so first, champagne or coffee? Which one do you prefer?
Q: Coffee. Flying or driving?
Q: I’m like man, my own words. The video game industry or the fashion industry?
Q: Really? He’s like “I’m not ruining my connections. Fashion.”
Fashion video.
Q: Fashion video. And lastly where’s your favorite place that your journey has taken you to that you loved?
For work or for … ?
Q: For pleasure.
For pleasure? Thailand.
Q: Thailand, really? Wow.
There’s a small island Koh Chang that’s incredible. It’s so hard to get there. You have to fly to Bangkok and then another plain to Trat and then you have to take a ferry which takes about two hours. And then you’re at this little island.
Q: That island better be worth it after all that travel.
It really is. If you’ve seen the beach, it’s like that. It’s beautiful, you really get away from everything. And you need that. Even though I’m a technology — I love technology, once you get away, it kind of cleanses you.
Q: You need to disconnect for a little while.
And the culture, everything about Thailand — I don’t know if you’ve been …
Q: No I haven’t been there.
You should go. So …
Q: As soon as you hire me I’m in. Gone.
Q: So thank you Eddie, I appreciate it. I hope you guys have learned a lot and we’ll see you next time here on Influencer series with Fashion GPS and Fashion Week Online. I’m Chris Collie, see you again.
Special thanks to Nick Gomez of Trunk Club NYC, for the space (and Chris’ blazer).
With love,