Proven Ways To Reduce Cellulite And Achieve Smoother Skin

Cellulite is present in 80-90% of females and is one of the most common skin conditions in the world. While it cause no pain or irritation, it can be very emotionally distressing. People get cellulite when fatty tissues beneath their skin push up against other tissues and cause a dimpled or lumpy appearance. There’s nothing to be medically concerned about, yet this doesn’t stop millions of women from wanting to reduce or remove cellulite.

First things first, there is absolutely nothing wrong with cellulite. It’s perfectly natural and doesn’t signify unhealthiness at all. You shouldn’t think you need to reduce it or get rid of it, unless it’s genuinely causing problems. We understand that many women feel self-conscious as a result of cellulite, which is the driving force behind this article. If you do wish to reduce its appearance because you think it will help you feel better about yourself, then here are some proven ideas that actually work:

Cellulite Creams

If you’re struggling with cellulite, you have almost certainly looked for creams or lotions online. Hundreds of products claim to help remove cellulite or fade its appearance – but do they actually work?

It depends on the cream, but there is some evidence to suggest that creams containing caffeine and retinol are worth trying. Caffeine helps to dehydrate the fat cells under the skin, so they’re not poking through as prominently. Retinol is a version of vitamin A that’s shown to induce collagen production in the skin. Collagen is the body’s most abundant protein and it’s extremely critical for skin health. People with lots of collagen will have thicker, plumper, and tighter skin. Encouraging collagen production in areas with cellulite can help the skin to tighten up and smooth over, potentially reducing the appearance of lumps and bumps.

We think it’s worth trying these creams as they’re far less expensive than any surgery or procedure. You should prepare to pay premium prices – opt for established brands and do plenty of research. It’s highly unlikely that a cheap $5 cream will actuall aid cellulite.

Laser Therapy

Nowadays, you can pay for laser therapy treatments at many cosmetic surgeries. The most popular one for cellulite is called Cellulaze™. This is a minimlally invasive surgery that involves inserting a miniscule laser fiber under the skin. From here, the laser can be heated up to break down the fatty tissues or bands under the skin that are pushing through to create the cellulite effect. As a result, this greatly reduces the appearance of dimples on your skin.

Multiple treatments are needed to see the full effects and this is the most costly treatment option out there. Laser therapy also doesn’t prevent cellulite from returning, so it could come back after a few months.


Believe it or not but massages are shown to improve cellulite in many women. When you look into this, a couple of main reasons jump out.

Firstly, massaging an area helps to stretch out and smooth the skin. It’s why many cosmetic treatment centers offer facial massages to help get rid of wrinkles or reduce the appearance of fine lines. In theory, massaging an area of the body with cellulite can help the skin appear more stretched and tight, minimizing cellulite.

Secondly, massages help stimulate blood flow in the body. When more blood is sent to an area, it aids with lymphatic drainage. This can help reduce cellulite because the body removes certain toxins or extra fluids from the area, which may cause swelling and push fat cells closer to the surface. If this no longer happens, the skin should appear a lot smoother.

There are also some debates surrounding whether massages can help break down fatty tissue or other tissues under the skin, so they don’t poke through as much. Regardless, it’s worth trying self-massage techniques as they’re free to do and you may see pleasant results.

Body Shapers

You might see some improvements in cellulite appearance by wearing body shapers. However, you have to wear proper shapers that have been designed for medical use – like a Faja Colombiana. These body shapers are used by cosmetic surgeons after weight-loss surgery because they tighten the body and keep the skin taut in specific areas. Therefore, the body heals better and the skin doesn’t end up all loose after surgery.

You can purchase products like these online from brands like Snatched Body. They’re designed for daily use, and a Snatched Body Faja is more than a body shaper. It is form fitting, sleek, and delicately comfortable. Wearing one of these can tighten the skin around your buttocks, stomach, or thighs, greatly reducing cellulite. Keep in mind that this – along with all other method mentioned above – should be done as part of an overall treatment plan. There is still one key thing to consider if you want cellulite to stay away for good.


Yes, exercise can help reduce cellulite and achieve fantastic long-term results. When you exercise, you encourage blood flow around your body and make key changes. Fat cells can reduce in different areas, which will help your cellulite fade. When combined with creams, massages, body shapers, or laser therapy, you will see permanent changes.

At the same time, consider doing strength training exercises for the areas affected by cellulite. Squats and lots of leg or glute exercises will help build muscle in these areas. As muscle mass increases, fat cells decrease. The areas also become a lot tighter and firmer, so cellulite is less likely to appear.

Cellulite is up there with acne as one of the most troublesome skin conditions. While acne scars can plague you for years, cellulite is something that may come and go. Please remember that there is nothing inherently wrong or unhealthy about cellulite! It’s completely natural and you shouldn’t feel ashamed about it. This article is simply here to help any women who may struggle with self-confidence because of cellulite. If it’s stopping you from wearing certain clothes or doing specific things, then it’s better for your mental health to tackle it. The methods presented are proven to help you do just that.


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